A downloadable game

This is a multiplayer Tetris Platformer. You and a friend must work together to complete each level, one player controlling the Tetris blocks and the other the character. You have to communicate with your partner and try not to die.

This game was made for a class project in a team of three:

Kiewiet - Programmer focusing on the Tetris Blocks and their functionality.

DKTDeanThomas - Artist focusing on the art and UI.

Chris the Awkward Elf - Programmer focusing on the Player Controller.


Player 1 (Character):

Movement - A and D

Jump - Space

Dash - Shift

Player 2 (Blocks):

Move Block - Left and Right Arrow or 1 and 3 on Keypad

Rotate Block - Page Up and Page Down or 4 and 6 on Keypad

Hold - Up Arrow or 5 on Keypad

Drop - Down Arrow or 2 on Keypad


Splatris_Build.zip 49 MB

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